Sunday, February 22, 2015

The difference a year makes

Blogging is hard. In more ways than people imagine. I am so infrequent at posting, not because I don't have things to write about but because I hate that my words I spend so much time perfecting are seen by people who have such a large amount of anger towards me. I hate that I can't share the fact that my blog has been sponsored by Google (yes, those ads you see are there for a reason) without being attacked. There will always be people who do not agree with what I say or write or the choices I make in life. This is the internet and I make my blog available to anyone who would find pleasure in reading it, but it is also available to anyone who wants to tear it apart and that is difficult for me to deal with sometimes.

I have more to write about than my boyfriend. That was not the intention of my blog. Jen's Tiny World. My world. What I go through and how I see the world through my eyes. I am 20 years old and have so much growing and learning to do.

Go back to my first posts. See how much has changed. How much of the world I've seen. I now have goals and hopes and so much positivity when I think about what my life will be like in the next year or two. I work a job I can't stand and go to school and the library all the time so my trip to London this winter won't be my last. 

I don't know where in this world I will go. I don't know what I will write about next. It may be controversial, it may be about my boyfriend, it may be about the fact that I worked a 6 hour shift today and only made $6 in tips. I just know that with every place my life leads me to will change me for all the right reasons.

It's been a wild year. I appreciate everyone who has been nothing but supportive of my blog and all my other crazy choices I make.

Much love,

Friday, January 16, 2015

How to get to England (or anywhere else in the world)

Hard to believe that I am writing this post from a Starbucks in Central London. This time last year I thought I would never get here. But if I learned anything this past year it's that if you work your ass off and grow up and take control of your life then you can go anywhere in this big wide world.

I'd be lying if I said I don't miss home comforts. I miss my dogs and my big squishy bed and dollar bills (I hate pound coins) and in n out. I wouldn't realize these things unless I got out there and experienced this great phenomenon called culture shock.

I struggle with the idea of going home because I really don't have many friends there. Mostly because I feel like I have very little in common with the people I go to school with. I've spent my summers in New York doing the camp thing that only other camp people really understand. I visited 6 different countries in 2014 while I know some people who have never left California. I am dating a man who already has a degree and a career, while my old high school friends just want to party and have no idea what they're doing with their lives. Even though I struggle to make a decent meal for myself, I feel wise beyond my years sometimes.

I get the occasional comment saying how lucky I am, people follow my journeys and travel vicariously through me. It doesn't have to be that way. Any one is possible of traveling. This is my (light hearted) guide to going out and seeing the world in your 20's. In other words, this is how I got my ass out of Quartz Hill and what keeps me from staying there.

1. Come from a family with a large disposable income
Just being honest here. How did I get to Western Europe last April? Daddy paid for it. There was no bar hopping or space muffins in Amsterdam. But I saw it and that's what counts. I was raised in a family that loves to travel and puts a lot of value in it. I took my first plane ride at 2 years old. Having the support of my family when I said I'm going to London is really how I'm here today. 

2. Make sacrifices 
So maybe tip number one isn't useful for you. I bought my plane ticket to London with my own money that I earned working through the summer. Instead of acting like a high roller when I was in Vegas in August I saved as much as I could to get on that plane by myself. Instead of moving out and paying rent and being on my own at almost 21 years old, I still live with my parents. As much as I would love some freedom and independence, that free rent allows me spend my money on the next adventure I may go on. If you really want something, you'll do what it takes to get there. 

3. Have a travel buddy
Lucky for me, or unlucky at some points, my best friends and boyfriend live very far away from me. Which has allowed me to come to London and other parts of the UK and I didn't have to pay for any place to stay. Although the long distance relationship is not ideal, we are taking advantage of our situation. If we're going to fly across the world to see each other then why not fly somewhere different than our home towns and explore the world together? Having someone to travel with is my motivation to actually reconsider how much money I spend at Starbucks. Venti latte every week or dinner and drinks when we're on holiday? (Or vacation, I've spent too much time in England)

4. Face your fears
The world can be a scary place. I can't even get on a plane without prescription medication to calm my anxiety because of my fear of flying. But that doesn't stop me. The world is actually safer than it's ever been before despite what you see on the news (there's a great BBC special on this if anyone is interested). So many people are afraid of what's beyond the safety of their home country that they will never go and see what's really out there. I'd be lying if I said I'm not afraid too. I'm the girl that's only been to North America and Europe. But I'm working out broadening my horizons and taking those risks. 

So what's your excuse? Why haven't you bought that plane ticket or booked that family trip you've always wanted? Last January I said I would never go to London. Ever. And here I am after changing my flights to stay even longer than originally planned. This is just the first stop on many of the trips I plan to go on this year. Just wait and see!

Much love (from London!!!!!),