Wednesday, June 25, 2014

The summer is magic

You're sitting in your room. 
Alone. Like, extremely alone.
Pretty depressed. 

You have one thing that makes you happy. And it's 8 weeks at a beautiful place in Glen Spey, NY. 

Here's the challenge. The one person you don't want to see on this planet will be standing on the sidelines the entire time.

I could of easily said no fucking way am I going through that. I've been through enough. 

But then I think of my campers, who text me begging me to be their counselor again. I think of my best friend who is going to experience the magic that camp creates for the first time. I think of the counselors in my bunk that become my best friends (literally) in the entire world. 

I think of the boy that catches your eye at the beginning of camp. And even though it's only for 8 weeks, nothing can take away the feeling of kissing in the New York rain and watching the stars by the boating dock.

I can sit here and tell you how awkward it is to have your ex boyfriend stare at you constantly. But it isn't about that. It's about dancing in the social hall with aching feet with your new friends from around the world. It's about an Irish guy grabbing you and spinning you around in front of a circle of people. It's about being so tired at the end of the day, but doubling that feeling in happiness.

I can't believe I almost missed this.
I hope all of you are having half as much fun as I am this summer.

Much love,

Wednesday, June 11, 2014

What I miss when I'm away from home

Officially one week before I leave for New York City. And 11 days until I'm wearing my staff shirt, greeting new counselors before we get on the bus to camp. It feels like just yesterday I was in the middle of Manhattan, surrounded by drunk Brits, crying my eyes out because that was the last time I was going to see majority of those people.

Here we are 10 months later! My stuff is pretty much packed, I have my things ready to be shipped to camp, and I am just as nervous as I was last year.

Obviously we know I love camp. Otherwise I wouldn't be putting myself through this again. But it's the hardest job I'll ever love. I'm not the type to pretend here. Going away from home and basically away from the outside world for 2 months can be difficult. There is a lot of things I'm going to miss.

Waking up whenever I want is one thing that does not happen at camp. I'm up at 7 am for 8 weeks straight. Even on my days off I don't get to sleep in. Those sweet little campers of mine think it's funny to ask me to brush their hair and get their clothes when I'm trying to hibernate. I'm flattered they want me to do it, but ughhhhhh!!!!

Hot Cheetos don't exist in New York. They can't handle the spicy.

Big Bertha (my car) is terribly missed during camp. The taxi service is horrendous and not dependable. And last year some people with cars left me and a few others stranded on the side of the road. I really hope I have a day off with a nice person with a car. I'll give you all my hot cheetos that get sent to camp.

I miss my dogs a lot during camp.

My hair misses the dry heat of California. We don't do well with humidity. But its camp, hair and make up are the last priority.

Bacon. Kosher camp problems.

Real Mexican food is not real Mexican food outside of Southern California and Mexico. I crave posole on rainy camp days.

Starbucks. Oh and In n Out.

Going to bed whenever I want. You're tired? Oh but you're on OD and can't go to sleep until a counselor from the bunk you're watching comes back. Which could be midnight. And when you aren't on OD, you're going to want to stay out of the bunk as long as possible because it's what you've looked forward to all day long. Especially those long romantic walks down to boating!! Can't give that up for sleep!!

Here's the thing. I would gladly give all that up for just a few more days with my kids at the end of the summer. Yeah us counselors have our moments, where we sit on our beds and gossip with each other about what we miss from home. But when your campers won't let you leave the bunk without a hug goodnight, or when they beg you to be their counselor next year, it is all worth it. Camp is a magical place that makes you realize things about yourself that you didn't think were possible.

10 days before I'm on this crazy journey once again.

Much love,

Friday, June 6, 2014

How not to tinder part II

One day I'm going to write about really powerful things. I'm going to change the world if you all haven't realized it. And I'm going to have extremely intellectual conversations about what I write with intelligent friends while drinking coffee at Urth CafĂ©. 

Today is not that day. 

I've talked about many things in my blog. And out of all my posts, my most popular has been "How not to tinder". You sick people love seeing creepy guys harass me on the internet. And you know what? I went right back and did it all over again. This time more creepy than ever before. 

So with that ladies and gentleman, I give you How Not To Tinder Part II

1. Giving small children alcohol
Is this supposed to be funny? Because my maternal instincts are telling me to call child protective services. Oh but at least we have a cooking show in common!!! What a keeper. 

2. What?
No but really what just happened?

3. Excessive messaging
You know a "hi how are you?" would of been fine. One message at a time boys, please!!!!

4. Photos of dead animals are a "no"
Welcome to America. Are girls actually impressed by this? I don't know if I want to throw up or cry. That poor baby coyote!!!! Take your murder elsewhere. 

5. Proper grammar is a must
I'd like to be able to understand what you're saying

6. Keep it classy
I wonder if he came up with that one himself. And if any girls out there genuinely found it funny. 

7. Pickup lines are stupid!
I hate them. So much. They aren't funny!!! And even worse is that he used the word "swerve". At least he left before it got worse. 

8. Keep it real
Your pink shirt makes me concerned. And then you had to make it really weird. I don't know, I just get a creepy vibe from any guy who wants to drink peach moscato and watch a chick flick. 

9. I don't hook up!!!!!!!!!

There you have it boys and girls. I never want to do this again.

I really need to meet a normal guy soon....

Much love,