Sunday, March 30, 2014

Oh Amsterdam

It's currently 3:30 am here in Holland. But my head thinks it 6:30 pm like it is back home. My heads kind of fuzzy from our bar hopping last night (and I can say that because that's legal for me here). So this post may not be written in my normal poetic manner so bare with me.

I love it here. I love the Dutch people, I love how laid back it is, I love the shocked looked I get when I say I'm an American (in a good way). I put mayo on my frites and drank a Guinness while I just sat and people watched. 

The guy at immigration asked me 2 questions and smiled at me and wished me good luck. I obviously haven't been to many other countries but I'm pretty sure that will be the easiest time I'll have in immigration. Everyone here seems to want to share the love. At least through my tourist googles it looks that way. 

As an American I've tried to brace myself for how I could be treated here in Europe. I don't know exactly what Europeans think but to be honest, if I grew up outside of America, I wouldn't love Americans either. I was talking to a local guy who lives outside Amsterdam and I asked if he's ever been to America. He told me that going into the USA, they want to know everything about you. And in his words he said "maybe I drank and drive a few times, I got to Miami and they put me right back on a plane headed back to the Netherlands" or something like that because it was loud! 

Oh America. How I love you and your patritoism. But c'mon. I think we could be a little friendlier to other countries. Especially the Dutch. I like the Dutch!! I love how I can sit at a table by myself and be approached by a guy. Does not happen at home. I love the look of amazement when I say I'm from LA. One guy asked if I ride and skateboard and wear a bikini 24/7. I love how they actually do kiss you on the cheek 3 times when you say goodbye (does not just happen in movies). 

And I have to note it on the record. The prostetutes here in the red light district are gorgeous!!! I would not be able to compete with European women. That's for sure. 

So this is my worst blog yet but that's okay. I just wanted somewhere to put these thoughts and be able to look back and cringe. We're leaving for Germany in a few hours so we'll see what happens next

Much love, 

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